Quarterly checkin

Quarterly checkin

Quarterly Checkin

Hey friends! Brendan here.

  • I believe the right questions can change your life. My goal for this exercise is to make space for you to ask yourself big questions, honor your progress, own your opportunities, and start making imperfect progress.
  • There are 5 parts: Remembering, Reflecting, Goal review, Looking forward, & Getting started
  • I think most people will spend about an hour on this, but you can also do a quick pass in 30 minutes if you aggressively time box (6 minutes per section, king!)
  • Duplicate this page (And replace my name with yours!)
  • Let me know how this works for you. I’m wishing you all the best! If I can support you, please let me know. -b

Part I - Remembering

What happened in your life in these last 90 days?

Take 5-10 minutes to capture a what’s been going on in your world. List 3+ things for each month. Your calendar, photos, and written notes can refresh your memory.

January - (New Years, MLK Day, Lunar New Year)

February - (President’s Day, Valentine’s Day, The Superbowl)

March - (Holi, Ramadan, St. Patrick’s Day, March Madness)

What 3-5 words best describe how your life felt over the past 90 days?

Part II - Reflecting back

You: What were your biggest wins over the past 90 days?

How did you contribute to your wellbeing? How did you honor your goals? How did you contribute to others’ wellbeing? What are you most proud of? What fears did you face?

You: What were your biggest misses over the past 90 days?

How did you hold yourself back? How did you contribute to your own suffering? How did you hold others back, or contribute to their suffering?

Your environment: Who or what consistently improved your wellbeing in the last 90 days?

Your environment: Who or what consistently reduced your wellbeing in the last 90 days?

If you could wave a magic wand and change anything about your own behavior over the last 90 days, what would you do differently?

Part III - Goal checkin

If you have some big goals for yourself, this is a beautiful time to reflect on them and see how you’ve been showing up for yourself. Otherwise, skip to the next section.

Have any big goals you’ve been working towards? List them here, including any metrics or dates you have associated with them.

Imagine that, for the rest of the year, you keep behaving the same way you’ve been behaving for the last 90 days. Where will you be at the end of the year?

In terms of your goals…

In terms of your life overall (community, mental wellbeing, physical wellbeing, finances, family, service, career…)

How do you feel about where you’ll be at the end of the year?

Part IV - Looking forward

Now is a really good time to take a couple of deep breaths, stretch, and breathe. Remind yourself of all the good in your life right now. Done? Good. Let’s keep going :)

Where do you want to be in 90 days?


Specific goals, if any (these can be milestones for bigger goals)…

What 3-5 words best describe how you want the next 90 days to feel?

Imagine it’s 90 days from now: June 30, 2023. You’ve nailed it! You’re where you want to be, feeling proud, full and content. You’ve made great progress. Your life has felt the way you want it to. You’ve shown up for yourself and your people. What key actions and behaviors led you to this success?

Again, it’s still 90 days from now, and you still nailed it. Let’s dive a little deeper on what worked for you…

There’s a lot you could answer here, don’t get overwhelmed! This is a question buffet, answer whatever strikes a chord and shamelessly skip whatever doesn’t.

What obstacles did you encounter? How did you navigate them?

What behaviors did you start? What did you say yes to?

What behaviors did you stop? What did you say no to?

What environments did you place yourself in?

What environments did you remove yourself from, or radically change your behavior/attitude in?

What people did you surround yourself with?

What people did you spend less time with, or radically change your behavior/attitude towards?

What help did you ask for? How did you enlist others?

What mistakes did you forgive yourself and others for?

What old beliefs did you challenge with new beliefs?

How did you make the process of achieving your goals more joyous, playful and connected?

How did you recover from bad days, feeling low, and needing a recharge?

How did you tend to your own wellbeing and joy? To other’s wellbeing and joy?

Part V - Getting started

Let’s summarize and prioritize. What 3-5 actions are most critical to getting what you want and cultivating your wellbeing over the next 90 days?

Choose the critical few actions / habits that will have the biggest impact on your trajectory and experience.

What are your immediate next steps?

What’s one ridiculously tiny thing you can do now, in the next 5 minutes, to get started?

Thanks for checking this out!

Please let me know how this went for you.

<3 Brendan

I’m making a journaling app: a place for dreaming big, starting small, and learning to love the journey, by reflecting and then taking small, imperfect action. Want to see it when it comes out? Join the waitlist.

Part I - Remembering

The journal app for dreaming big, starting small, and learning to love the journey.

⚡️ Set daily intentions & make imperfect progress

⚡️ Reflect on what works and what doesn’t

⚡️ Stay centered and grateful

⚡ For iOS, Android and web

⚡ $20/month

Join the waitlist

(No credit card or commitment required)

What’s the Alimo Journal app?

How it works

The right questions can change your life. Are you asking yourself the right questions?


Dare to dream big

Alimo asks you big questions to uncover what is most important to you today, this year, and even across your lifetime. Get real with yourself. Dance with the uncertainty. Make imperfect progress. Dare to make space to dream your best life and start living it, right now.

⚡️ Lifestyle assessment exercises

⚡️ Predict barriers & plan breakthroughs

⚡️ Join live community planning events to dream, reflect and get started together




Build a daily habit of intention

Alimo guides you through simple, 5-10 minute daily checkins where you set your intention, plan your day and reflect on your results. Some people would call it productivity. We call it living life on purpose.

⚡️ Start your day with setting your intention and planning how to create it

⚡️ End your day with reflection and gratitude

⚡️ Capture what’s on your mind


Remember who you are & where you’ve been

Alimo organizes the artifacts of your life—your photos, videos, and written notes—to be the best, single place to have a timeline of your journey. You’ve come a long way. Isn’t that worth celebrating?

⚡️ Remember your life with your photos, videos and notes all in one place

⚡️ Vividly capture new memories with notes, voice memos, photos and videos

 Turn memories into insights you can apply to spark more joy in your life today




If you’re feeling called to join us, this is your chance.

Alimo Journal. $20/mo.

Alimo waitlist

Join the waitlist for the journal app for asking big questions, setting big goals, and making imperfect progress.

Join the waitlist to get

  • Notified when the app is ready
  • Free community goal-setting events
  • A 25% lifetime discount on your app subscription

Join the waitlist →

(No credit card or commitment required)


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